A Sentimental Heart

I like pretty things and clever words.

White Noise

Image Source: Pinterest

Release me from this prison,

Though I'm in no cage.
Release me from these shackles,
Though I bear no chains.
Be still incessant beating,
That clanging metal ripping my thoughts apart.
I see you without sight. 
Your clash is deafening.
The iron you are sharpening is not of my design.
That weapon you've been forging can only bring calamity upon me.
Why are you what's sticking?
Why do these thoughts do your bidding?
Why are you still here at all?
Do you wish to taunt me for the joy I seek?
Or do you desire sabotage on my soul to wreak?
Either way I'm bound to you.
A slave.
Until the time comes for you to defeat or be defeated.


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