A Sentimental Heart

I like pretty things and clever words.

Shine Bright

When we are born we are like a large rough diamond that our parents and family found. Large and beautiful and worth so much it feels inestimable. They don't care that to others we still may be dull and new and in need of refining. And then we grow and we learn and live in a world that is constantly pushing against us telling us we're valued for different amounts.

Some think we are worthless, some think we would only be worth it when we are cut the way they want us to be. Some want us to have value only to them and some want to take our worth away.

But there is only one person who is qualified to cut and refine us. He is the only person who's hands are skilled enough to cut us precisely, and the only opinion on our worth that matters.


He teaches us and refines us and gives us that new personality. He brings out our individual and natural talents, skills and abilities. We shine when we reflect the qualities that he values. And he gives us a place. Brilliant and shining and unique in the setting of his organization.

So why do we lose value in our own eyes? Why do we feel we don't always matter or measure up to others? Why is it hard for us to look at ourselves the way Jehovah does?

Because of the world we live in. Satan's very goal is to tell us we don't matter unless we make ourselves matter to everyone. But is that true? Do we need the validation of being worthy of the world?


Going back to us being diamonds. Think of a woman's wedding ring and the diamond in it. She wears it at all time as something that is beautiful and precious to her. It reminds her of the vow she made. It holds great worth in her eyes more than it does to anyone else because it is hers. But what happens as she wears it and works with it in her everyday life. It may see dirty dish water, garden soil, ink, paint, etc. And from that the diamond will look dull and dirty and tarnished. But does that mean that the diamond is damaged or devalued?


It just needs cleaned. It needs that attention from her. And she would not allow people to degrade it or devalue it just because it has been around and accompanied her on all her excursions clean or not.

That's just like us we go through so much stress and problems in this ugly world we live in. And at times we feel like we're unworthy. We've been through the dirt of this system. But Jehovah still values us. We need to be vigilant in reminding ourselves we are worthy. Jehovah has deemed us worthy no matter what our circumstances are. Think of what he paid for us. Would anyone else in the universe pay with the blood of their own firstborn?


And at times we may think we are not going to survive the hardships we are under. Maybe we don't feel worthy of the things we've been given. Maybe we don't feel worthy in our relationships with others. Maybe we struggle to see where we fit in. Maybe we don't give our feelings/emotions their proper place/worth. Maybe we are accepting unacceptable treatment from others.

But we don't have to feel that way. We have to remember that diamonds are the hardest known natural material. They cannot be damaged unless it is by another diamond. We have the ability to withstand any hardship or feelings of worthlessness, because we are diamonds that have been refined and cut by Jehovah. As long as we have him we can withstand anything that comes our way. He is there by our side ready to direct, protect and clean or refresh us.

So what do we need to do. Remind ourselves of our worth. In light of the memorial season just passing and the loss of a dear friend, it's hasn't been this clear to me in a while that I am worth it. Jehovah bought me personally with the blood of His dear son, my Repurchaser, my King. He has determined my worth.

And the friends we have in the organization value us too. Our dear sister who passed had a packed kingdom hall for her funeral. Why? Because she was a brilliant diamond to the congregation. She shone brightly and deeply affected those around her and to us she was worth more than we can begin to express. Her worth was evident. Those who are in the congregation and are working towards being the best they can be as servants of Jehovah see what Jehovah sees in us, even when sometimes its hard to see our worth for ourselves...


Brava.! Thank you for this one, Dawnraerae. Even after all I say and do for Jehovah and others and Mar'shell, I still struggle to find my value, my worth.

I greatly value your friendship with Mar'shell and I, and all that you did to make our visit both enjoyable and comfortable. Stealing us away. Meeting up with us out and about. You are amazing. Reflecting our heavenly Father, and reflecting our King and model, just like a diamond. (INSIDE JOKE which by no means devalues your amazing post: "Diamond's don't shine, they reflect....")


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